Celtic Knot

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Release Date: 
Thursday, July 15, 2004
PDF icon celticknot.pdf160.88 KB
Setup Time: 
Play Duration (new players): 
Play Duration (experienced): 
Minimum number of players: 
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by Jonathan Leistiko


To get your pieces from the corners of the board to the exit at the center.

You Need

  • A Celtic Knot board, found in the .
  • 6 nickels, dimes, quarters, and pennies.

Setting Up

Choose a coin that no other player has chosen (nickel, dime, quarter, or penny). Place one of your coins on each X and O.

Select a player to go first.


On your turn, select a square with one or more of your coins in it. Flip all of those coins, counting heads as one point and tails as two points. Take the sum of your flips and move your coins in the chosen square that many spaces away from it. You must use your full movement on each coin.


  • Although unmarked, the board is divided into regular squares that follow the lines of the board. The board is 9×9. The squares on the paths are the only valid spaces for pieces to occupy.
  • The paths go over and under each other. The spaces under other spaces still count as spaces and can be occupied by coins. If you end a turn in a space that is under another space, like a bridge or a tunnel, put your piece in the off-path square directly to the northeast of it to indicate that you’re in that square.
  • Triangles are tunnels. Coins that start their turn on a tunnel can move to the space directly below the tunnel with their first point of movement. Coins may not climb up a tunnel.

If your coins land on a square occupied by an opponent’s coin, take another turn to move those same coins.

If your coins land on a vacant square, your turn ends.

If your coins land on the center diamond, remove them from the board. This ends your turn.

Play passes clockwise.


The first player with no pieces left on the board wins.

Origin and Credits

Sharon has a little necklace with a Celtic knot medallion that she made out of ShrinkyDinks. Looking at the celtic knot, I figured that it’d make a neat board for a racing game of some sort. This is what came out of it.