by Jonathan Leistiko
Capture pieces by “crowding them out” with your pieces.
Give a capture cup to each player.
Pick a color and a home area like you normally would for a game of Chinese checkers. Do not place any of your pieces in your home area; keep them in your hand.
Once all players have picked a color, roll the dice to see who goes first.
On your turn, roll the dice, transform your pieces, then check for captures.
Roll: Roll both dice.
Transform: Choose one of the dice you rolled. If you have at least that many pieces in your hand, place that many pieces on the board. If you had no pieces on the board, you must place a piece in your home area. As you place pieces, they must be adjacent to spaces you occupy. If you can not place a piece, put it in your capture cup.
If you do not have as many pieces in your hand as the number you rolled, then you must instead remove that many pieces from the board. If you run out of pieces to remove, your turn ends. If you do not have enough pieces to place, and you have no pieces to remove, your turn ends.
Captures: Check every piece in play. Remove any piece (yours or theirs) adjacent to more enemy pieces than friendly pieces and put it in your capture cup. Checking for captures is not simultaneous; you choose the order that pieces are checked. If you check pieces in the right order, you can make more captures. A piece with as many supporting pieces as opposed pieces is not captured.
Play passes to the left.
The game ends when one player has no pieces left in play or in hand, or if there are no pieces on the board and all players have taken a turn.
If you have the most pieces in your capture cup at the end of the game, you win.
Realtime: Checking for captures happens simultaneously. Determine every piece to be captured, then remove all of them at the same time.
Petri was first playtested on 1/10/2004 with Natosha and Ben. I thought of Petri at a local songwriters group concert on 1/9/2004. I was assessing what game tools the average household has and realized that I hadn’t used a Chinese checkers set as a game component yet. This is what came out of that realization.