5 minutes

Fantasy RPG Checkers

A checkers variant with classes, levels, hit points, and saving throws for two unrepentant RPG nerds.

Steamwork Arena

A quick playing, diceless, customizable, miniature-based fighting game for 2 to 4 players.

16 Memories

Three different quick-playing memory games for 2 to 4 players.


A chance-heavy game for 2 to 6 players looking for one big score (or two, or three…).

Renaissance Man

Are you and one to three other multi-talented friends as nifty as my friend Ben? Play Renaissance Man and find out!


A game for 4 expanding cyberpunk corporations.

Divine Nuke Wrath

A quick co-op / competitive game of anarchy and destruction for 3 to 4 demigods.


You’ll flip for this 3-D puzzle game for two or four players.

Zombie Wars v1.1

Undead warfare between two to four rival zombie masters rages in the streets of Smallton…
(Revised June 21, 2007)


“I’ll trade you a cabbage and some duct tape for your toddler.”
A game about trading and building for 3 to 5 players.
